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Mexvax.com features the latest encryption technology available to ensure that all transactions are secure. None of our customers has reported fraudulent use of their card as a result of purchases made on our site.

Mexvax.com business operations are conducted through pages stored on secure servers and data transfer is done using the data encryption method known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Our servers encrypt all your personal information. The encryption process takes the information you entered and converts it into code bits that are transmitted by security protocols over the Internet. This data can not be read as the information travels over the web. Once your encrypted personal information is received by our secure servers, it is translated back into its original format and stored in our database offline.

Hacker Safety

The Mexvax.com site goes through more than 50,000 daily tests with simulated hacker attacks, that is, our system protects your personal credit card information against criminal activities, making your purchase even safer. It is the greatest protection system against hackers in the world, prevents 99.9% of hacker crime. We use the SHIELDED SITE technology to protect our servers from hacker attacks.


Mexvax.com does not store credit card information from users after completing the sale. For this reason, every time the user makes a transaction, he/she must enter the credit card information again.


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